Hypertension cause basically divided into 2 types:
1. Primary or essential hypertension is hypertension that is not known the cause (located at approximately 90% of all hypertension).
2. Secondary hypertension is hypertension caused by / as a result of other diseases.
Primary hypertension
Is likely to have many causes, some changes on the heart and blood vessels together probably cause increased blood pressure. If the cause is unknown, it is called secondary hypertension. In about 5-10% of patients with hypertension, the cause is kidney disease. In about 1-2%, the cause is a hormonal disorder or the use of certain drugs (such as birth control pills).
Another rare cause of hypertension is Phaeo chromocytoma, namely tumor on the adrenal gland that produces hormones epinephrine (adrenaline) or nor epinephrine (nor adrenaline). Overweight (obesity), an inactive lifestyle (exercise lazy), stress, alcohol or salt in food, can trigger the occurrence of hypertension in those who have a reduced sensitivity. Stress tends to cause increased blood pressure for a while, if the stress has passed, then the blood pressure usually returns to normal.
Some causes of secondary hypertension:
1. Kidney Disease
* Renal artery stenosis
* Pyelonephritis
* Glomerulonephritis
* Kidney tumors
* poly cyst kidney disease (usually inherited)
* Trauma to the kidney (injury of the kidneys)
* Radiation therapy of the kidney
2. Hormonal Disorders
* Hiperaldosteronisme
* Cushing’s syndrome
* Phaeochromocytoma
3. Drugs
* Birth control pills
* Corticosteroids
* Cyclosporine
* erythropoietin
* Cocaine
* Alcohol abuse
* Cinnamon (in a very large amount)
4. Other Causes
* Koartasio aorta
* Preeclampsia in pregnancy
* acute intermittent porphyria
* acute lead poisoning.
Source : PHC Ngawen Klaten
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