Thursday, February 4, 2010

Public Health Focus Group Discussion

How do you do FGD?

Initially the facilitator may determine that the subject will be implemented, but for the next mahfum when people have or have cared about the program so that they too should mementukan what will be discussed in the meeting.

Make a draft framework of talks and prepare for the types of questions towards the subject of fishing on a problem. The question asked what should be open to provoke discussion rather than answer the question yes or no. It seems easier fishing participation when the question "How do you do this and that? but "How Mother-Father-Mother or Dad to do this tiu here??"

Invite the participants to match their subjects and who should determine the meeting place and time suitable for them. The number of participants between 6 and 12 participants most ideal. For locations in the Camp where there is no place that is available can be carried out under the tree.

Introduce yourself to the group with a clear, and what the purpose and the hope of meeting with the group so that everyone will learn from each other event.

Explain to them that in the event there is no answer right or wrong in this discussion. Try if anyone was menjelkaskan something no one else to interrupt / mengiuterupsi. Because all Padangan, answers all the valuable discussions.

Not too much influence menjurut discussions anda.Bila view events taking place you should think a new set of relevant questions as a response to the discussion. When they asked what your opinion is katakana that you need to go listen to their discussions and then participate more.

There needs to be as complete as possible record of the conversation, even if maybe if they agree to a discussion of bias recorded.

Tutupkah a discussion if the show becomes a rambling, but if maqksud and also has reached goals conclusions quickly and things that have been agreed with the solution of the problem, read it and remind them to perform.

Thank you to all participants in the discussion, the time and opportunity they have given and katakana so next time if there is more discussion they want to come to another topic or there are less obvious and really comfortable place ..

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