Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Catfish, a High Quality Nutrition

Cat Fish (Clarias spp)

Do not underestimate catfish. Food is easily available and cheap, besides rich nutrients also help the growth of the fetus in the womb and is very good for the heart because of low fat.
Catfish (Clarias spp) is a freshwater fish that can live in critical places, such as swamps, rivers, rice fields, lush fish pond, fish ponds murky and muddy places that lack of oxygen.
Included in the family catfish Claridae and often also called mud fish or cat fish.

Substance Source Nutrition

Fish is an important food ingredient as a source of nutrients. Freshwater and brackish water fish have a high protein, ie an average of 20 percent. Fish protein is a protein that special because it not only serves as an addition to the amount of protein consumed, but also as a complement to the quality of protein in the menu.

Fish protein contains all essential amino acids in sufficient quantities. Protein lysine and methionine of fish contain higher protein than milk and meat. Ground fish generally contain proteins with methionine and cystine levels are high.
Lysine and leucine levels higher than beef. Leucine is required for the growth of children and maintain nitrogen equilibrium in adults.

Leucine is also useful for breaking and formation of muscle protein. While lysine is needed by the body to assist the process of growth. Amino acid lysine to be the framework for niacin and often involved in the treatment of herpes.

Rich Phosphorus

Judging from the composition of nutrients, catfish are also rich in phosphorus. The value of phosphorus in catfish is higher than the value of phosphorus in the egg which only 100 mg. The role of phosphorus minerals ranks second only to calcium.

In the body, phosphorus-shaped crystals of calcium phosphate, 80 percent is in bone and teeth. Its main function as a giver of energy and strength for the metabolism of fat and starch, as supporting healthy teeth and gums, for DNA synthesis and calcium absorption and utilization.
Phosphorus needs for pregnant women certainly more than the moments do not contain because pregnant women need more phosphorus to bone her fetus. If the intake of phosphorus is less, the fetus will take it from the bones of the mother.
It's one of the causes of brittle bone disease in the mother. Phosphorus requirement will be met if protein consumption is also considered.
Judging from the comparison of potassium and sodium that reached 24,5:1, catfish can be classified as a healthy food for heart and blood vessels. Foods classified as healthy food for heart and blood vessels when the ratio of potassium to sodium containing at least 5:1.

Potassium known to be useful for controlling blood pressure, high blood therapy, and clean carbon dioxide in the blood. Potassium is also useful to trigger muscle and ganglion. High Potassium also will facilitate the delivery of oxygen to the brain and helps accelerate the body's fluid balance.

Low Fat, Cholesterol Press

Fat content of fresh and brackish water fish are low. Fat is found in the abdomen, especially the lower body and the heart. Fatty fish are mostly simple fats, namely triglycerides which are neutral and some are shaped like phospholipide and sterol complex.
Fish fatty acids are generally straight and has a carbon chain of carbon atoms between 14 and 24 atoms. Total saturated fatty acids between 17 to 21 percent and unsaturated fatty acids between 79 to 83 percent. The level of unsaturated fatty acids to create a high freshwater fish, including catfish good to suppress cholesterol.

Freshwater fish such as catfish also contain omega-3, although with much lower levels compared with sea water fish. The content of omega-3 on Farmed catfish (deliberately maintained) is much lower than wild catfish. Omega-3 is needed for the body to prevent degenerative diseases such as heart disease and blocked arteries. Omega-3 fatty acids also play a very important for the growth of nerve cells including brain cells.

Carbohydrates in fish found in very small amounts, about 0 to 1.7 percent contained in the form of glycogen. Catfish of the genus Ictalaurus punctatus does not contain carbohydrates because a fairly high fat content as a source of energy.

Source: KOMPAS.com -

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