Tuesday, February 9, 2010



At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
 Describe the diseases related to water and sanitation
 Identify the risk of disease and water and sanitation in the region
 Formulate prevention efforts related to water and sanitation

Presentations and discussion groups

120 minutes

Distribute material materials 'disease related to water and sanitation'

Step 1:
Explain briefly related diseases with water and sanitation.
- Show a picture of water supply chain from the point of taking water to drink (including kontaminasinya points)
- Show a picture of good sanitation and poor

Step 2:
For participants in groups 3-5. Invite them to discuss the various risks associated diseases with water and sanitation in their respective territories. Each group wrote down a list of priority risk of water and sanitation diseases. Then from each group presented the results of discussions.

Step 3:
Invite them to discuss the causes of disease risk and prevention efforts related to water and sanitation (still with the same group division).

Step 4:
Invite the participants to agree on a list of concrete efforts to prevent disease as deep water and sanitation, and committed to melaksanakanannya.

The benefit of Mulberry (Morus alba)

When we hear the mulberry, what do you think that will occur in our minds? .. I am sure that will connect 75 percent of mulberry with "Silkworm" because mulberry leaves are the main food for the silkworm. These plants originated from mainland China, we know exactly China is the world's major silk producer.

Latin name of mulberry is Morus alba, in China called the Ye .. in Java known as Magnitude. Well ngak us know why his name urbanization, there may be other colleagues who could provide assistance in origin.

Mulberry leaves young nice, I remember when I was a little I like wearing young mulberry leaves to wrap the bike Pepes spiced fish, steamed then fried ... delicious. Leaves are crisp, delicious chips.

Mulberry leaves can also cook Urap our young, this food is mixed with spices and coconut, very delicious ... well we will be competitors silkworm yes ... herbal experts said it could benefit as many peluruh pee, reproduce milk, blood sugar, cholesterol etc.

Mulberry fruit is also delicious eaten straight

Mulberry fruit is also beneficial for improving blood circulation, overcoming difficult for roots to sleep skin asthma medication for high blood pressure and nourish hair growth.

Tree height between 5 to 9 meters. Green leaves are broad and elongated. Flowering throughout the year. The young fruit is green, the old red and sour. Ripe black and sweet. Plants propagated by cuttings and grafting.

Mulberry leaves are still young then dipenyet-penyet dibobokkan to lkulit when hurt, or bitten by insects, or also can be used for drug growers with hair-brush dioles pat on the head with a dimasage.

Fruit ripe mulberry juice and drink we will relax the breath, eliminate chest pain or stiffness in the joints leg

Monday, February 8, 2010

Five keys to managing a healthy diet

Five keys to managing a healthy diet
Every day thousands of people died of food sources should be avoided
• It is a problem both in developed countries and in countries berekembang
• It is a rangkian of the health system
• Can attack all good age infants, children, and adults
• Creating a series of diarrhea and malnutrition
• It can attack the national economy, development and international trade
Food can be contaminated by harmful microbes at any stage before we eat
Our five key that not only prevent the disease from eating contaminated food, but also keep the transmission of disease because of mishandling of food preparation such as bird flu
Knowledge is a single window to see the world, for that society needs to learn how to open the window
Implementation of the right stylist in the provision of food is the key to prevent diseases of food sources
Cause of illness associated with food
• Diseases due to Viruses
- Infectious Hepatitis
- Poliomyelitis
- Diarrhoea
• Diseases due to Bacteria
- Cholera
- Typhoid fever
- Paratyphoid fever
- Dysentery basiler
• Poisoning
- Clostridium
- Staphylococcus
- Streptococcus
- Other
- Types of Pathogens
- Hepatitis A virus
- Polio virus
- Rotavirus
- Types of Pathogens
- Vibrio cholerae
- Salmonella typhi
- Salmonella paratyphi
- Shigella disentriae
- Campylobacter petus
- Clostridium botulinum
- Staphylococcus aureus
Five keys to managing a healthy diet
I. Keep clean

* Wash hands before food menyaiapkan
* Wash your hands after the toilet
* Wash all equipment and tables to prepare food
* Protect the kitchen area of cockroaches, flies and pests

II. Separate raw and cooked food
* Separate the meat, fish, raw chicken from other foods
* Use a knife or a different container for cooking
* Store food in special containers are not mixed until cooked food and raw
III.Masaklah food and
* Cook food and especially meat, eggs and fish
* Cook until done correctly a minimum temperature of 70o C, a clear broth rather than red
* Heating also repeated at the same time
IV.Jaga food at safe temperatures
* Foods that are cooked do not let more than 4 hours at room temperature
* Enter in the refrigerator, cooked foods which are easily damaged or temperature should be <5o C
* Do not store food too long in the fridge
V. Use water and safe materials
* Wash fruits / vegetables with care especially if crude ikonsumsi
* Use clean water to wash
* Select the material / fresh foods
* Do not take food outdated
There is increasing demand irformasi about healthy foods at the international level, national and local levels.
WHO network called for all relevant units to disseminate information is the key to success is spread around the world

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The development cycle of malaria

The development cycle of malaria

We begin from the patients in the blood containing the malaria parasite (stage Gametosit micro and macro). Anopheles mosquito (female) to suck the blood of patients and was carried into the stomach gametosit mosquitoes. Micro (male cells) and Makrogametosit (female cells) to mate and form Zygote and migration through the stomach wall to form a Ookinet and sporulation selajutnya form Sporosoit mosquitoes spread throughout the body, especially in the Anopheles mosquito salivary glands. Time required to multiply in the body since the mosquitoes until ready to be transmitted in the salivary glands of about 7 - 14 days (depending on the type of plasmodium and environmental conditions).
Mosquitoes containing sporosoit (infective) in the saliva glands will bite a healthy person and sporosoit release into the bloodstream and then hide in the liver cells to perform the multiplication and release merosoit stage into the bloodstream and enter cells, red blood cells. Incubation time in the liver cells is about 6 - 8 days.
Time since the infective Anopheles mosquito bite until disease symptoms appear (incubation period) of about 9 to 40 days depending on the type of Plasmodium and lingkungannya.Sekitar conditions one week after a person has malaria would be formed and makrogametosit micro phase and this is a phase that can be transmitted to mosquitoes.

• P falciparum from 9 to 14 day incubation period
• P vivax 12 to 17 day incubation period
• P ovale from 12 to 17 day incubation period
• P malariae 18 to 40 day incubation period

On the type of Plasmodium vivax, some merosoit will hide and multiply in the spleen and stay latent for several years. This is what causes a person sick with malaria again despite no longer being bitten by mosquitoes such as ni Anopheles.Keadaan called recurrence or relapse.

On the type of Plasmodium falciparum, can cause cerebral (brain) and symptoms of malaria are so great that often cause the death of the patient. But when you are finished / successful treatment of patients will recover fully and do not relapse.

Plasmodium breeding mosquitoes in the body where there is a process of micro and makrogametosit marriage known sexual cycle, while proliferation in the human body which does not occur is called the marriage a sexual cycle.

What is Diarrhoea?

What is Diarrhoea?

Diarrhoea is an intestinal disorder, which results in abnormal fluid loss and increased frequency of bowel movements

It is the passage of water stools, usually 3 times in a 24 hr time frame.

Note! It is the consistency of the stools that is more important that the frequency. Increased passage of “formed” stools is not diarrhoea e.g. a breastfed baby often passes loose stools but this is not diarrhoea.

Note! Most cases of diarrhoea will clear up on its own without medication or treatment. If diarrhoea continues or the person becomes dehydrated it is ESSENTIAL to treat with ORS and seek medical help.

Different Types of Diarrhoea

a. Acute watery diarrhoea
Loose watery stools last for a few hours or a few days
Main dangers are dehydration and weight loss
Need to: Increase fluid intake to stop/prevent dehydration and increase food to stop/prevent weight loss

b. Acute bloody diarrhoea
There is blood present in the stool – it is also known as DYSENTERY
Main dangers are damage to the intestines, malnutrition and dehydration
Need to: Increase fluid intake to stop/prevent dehydration and increase food to stop/prevent weight loss AND GET MEDICAL HELP

c. Persistent or Chronic diarrhoea
Loose stools that last for 14 days or more
Main dangers are malnutrition and dehydration.
Need to: Increase fluid intake to stop/prevent dehydration and increase food to stop/prevent weight loss

Why is Diarrhoea dangerous?

Diarrhoea kills over 1 million children every year through dehydration and malnutrition

Children are more likely to die from diarrhoea than adults because they become dehydrated much quicker than adults.

A child is in danger if they have many watery stools in 1 hr or if there is blood in the stool

A child with diarrhoea needs to continue eating regularly to stop malnutrition. Even after recovering from diarrhoea the child needs to get at least 1 extra meal a day for 2 weeks

Breastfeeding will and does reduce the severity and frequency of diarrhoea

If a child is dehydrated only Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) or medicine given by a trained medical worker should be used

Diarrhoea kills by causing dehydration in the child

The more watery the stool is the more fluid is being lost therefore the greater the risk of dehydration.

Some people think that drinking more liquid when having diarrhoea makes the diarrhoea worse – THIS IS NOT TRUE.


Drinking more fluids will help replace the body fluids lost during diarrhoea.

Recommended drinks for children/adults with diarrhoea:

1. Breastmilk – mothers should increase the frequency at which they breast feed their child when the child has diarrhoea
2. Rice water
3. Fresh fruit juices
4. weak tea with a little sugar
5. CLEAN WATER FROM SAFE SOURCES – if the water is not from a safe source the water should be boiled for minimum of 10 minutes.
6. Give ORS.

Signs of Dehydration
The easiest way to check for dehydration is to check the colour of the urine – it should be pale or clear yellow. If it begins to darken fluid intake should be increased.

Stages of Dehydration:

Mild Dehydration: Increase fluid intake
Dry lips
Dry mouth
Flushed skin
Dark colour of Urine or urine output decreases

Moderate Dehydration: Seek medical help
All the signs above PLUS
Skin does not bounce back quickly when pressed
Muscle cramps
Stiff and/or painful joints
Severe irritability
Sunken eyes

Severe Dehydration: seek medical help IMMEDIATELY
All the signs of above PLUS
Blue lips
Blotchy skin
Low blood pressure
Cold hands and feet
Cannot produce urine or tears when they cry
Will not drink fluids
Rapid and weak pulse rate

What Causes Diarrhoea

Many things cause diarrhoea such as the following:

 Antibiotics
 Diabetes
 Food additives
 Food allergies

In Papua, Nabire the following also cause diarrhoea

 Parasites such as Amoeba and Giardia
 Bacteria such as E.coli (Eschericia coli), Shigella and campylobacter
 Viral infections

The most common way for the parasites, bacteria and viruses to get into the human body and cause diarrhoea is through drinking water and eating food contaminated by faeces.

Diarrhoea can also be spread by poor hygiene in the house and also poor personal hygiene –

How to Prevent Diarrhoea

All Faeces must be disposed of in a latrine or toilet

 All faeces, even those for babies and infants carry germs therefore can be dangerous.
 If children defecate outside the toilet or latrine their faeces must be cleaned up immediately and put down the toilet or buried
 The toilet or latrine must be kept clean as this stops the spread of germs
 If there is no access to a toilet or latrine adults and children must defecate:
a. far from the house,
b. far from paths,
c. far from where animals feed/drink,
d. far from water sources,
e. far from where children play,
f. must be buried under a layer of soil – this will prevent flies from feeding on the faeces and then spreading to food etc.
 In communities where there are no toilets or latrine the community should consider joining together to build toilets
 Water sources must be kept clear of all animal and human faeces.

Good Hygiene practices

 Hands should always be washed with soap and water after:
a. defecating
b. after cleaning the baby’s bottom
c. immediately before feeing children
d. immediately before handling food
e. immediately before eating
 Young children always put their hands in their mouths so it is important to keep the house clean and to wash children’s hands with soap and water frequently, especially when they are about to eat.
 All refuse should be buried, burned or safely disposed of to stop flies from spreading disease
 Drinking water storage containers must be kept clean and covered with a lid
 No animals or birds should be kept next to drinking water containers
 Always pour water from the drinking water container rather than dip the cup/jug into the main container
 Never store chemicals or animal feed next to any water containers
 Never use the drinking water containers for any other purpose other than for storage of drinking water

Drinking only clean or treated water

 It is important that water for drinking is from a safe and protected source.
 If you do not know if the source is safe then it is always better to boil or treat your drinking water.
 You can add chlorine or chlorox to your drinking water to kill the bacteria and viruses
 You can boil the water to kill the bacteria, viruses and parasites. To treat water by boiling you must boil it for a minimum of 10 minutes to make sure that all the germs are killed
 It is cheaper to boil or add chlorox/chlorine to just the water you use for drinking
 Always make sure that the storage container for drinking water, after treating, is kept clean inside and outside the container
 Always keep the treated drinking water covered

Eating only clean and good food.

 Food should always be prepared and cooked thoroughly just before eating
 Food left standing must be covered
 Food is not safe after only 2hrs if it is not stored very hot or very cold

Clean Behavior and Healthy Living (CBHL = PHBS) in Households

Clean Behavior and Healthy Living (CBHL = PHBS) in Households

Household PHBS in an attempt to empower members of the household to know, willing and able to practice the behavior of clean and healthy living and active in the community health movement.

PHBS in Households done to achieve PHBS Households were doing 10 PHBS namely:

1. Labor helped by health workers
Labor helped by health personnel, including here of course sja paraji (traditional midwives) who have provided training and certified.
Now almost every village had a "midwife" is placed by the government.

2. Exclusive breastfeeding
Exclusive breastfeeding for six months. ASI is the food of the most perfect baby, because in addition to perfect GISI content, also contain "anti-body" of a compound to combat antigens or infectious disease. These compounds derived from the mother's blood.

3. Considering toddlers each month
Weighing under five every month, the result is inserted into the Card Towards Healthy, will very clearly shows the development of children, this status will also be reminded when to do immunization.

4. Water use
Clean water is colorless and odorless, we need to do a test in the laboratory doubt reply with kita.Konotasi water quality of clean water here is not meant to be drunk, because the water must be free to drink Coli bacteria

5. Washing your hands with soap and clean water
Washing your hands (with water) with soap will prevent from diseases due to bacteria attached to the necessity of tangan.Suatu is hand washing before meals and after defecation, after handling soiled items, before serving food, after a match-ear matches , mouth, nose etc..

6. Use latrines healthy
The best latrine is S shape or Swan Type Latrine

7. Did eradicate larvae once a week
Three M, that are Mengubur( mengubur=burried the not uses water container like bottles,cans etc);Menguras (menguras=clean the water strorage/container one week minimum);Menutup (menutup=Covering the water container)

8. Eating fruits and vegetables every day
Coloured Fruit and vegetable better. Athocyant content anti cancer compound

9. Physical activity every day
Small sport, up and down stairs, work arounds, adapted with your ages

10. No smoking in the house
If we smoke in doors will contaminate all the people, they will be a passive smokers and it is MORE dangerous then the smoker at all

Public Health Focus Group Discussion

How do you do FGD?

Initially the facilitator may determine that the subject will be implemented, but for the next mahfum when people have or have cared about the program so that they too should mementukan what will be discussed in the meeting.

Make a draft framework of talks and prepare for the types of questions towards the subject of fishing on a problem. The question asked what should be open to provoke discussion rather than answer the question yes or no. It seems easier fishing participation when the question "How do you do this and that? but "How Mother-Father-Mother or Dad to do this tiu here??"

Invite the participants to match their subjects and who should determine the meeting place and time suitable for them. The number of participants between 6 and 12 participants most ideal. For locations in the Camp where there is no place that is available can be carried out under the tree.

Introduce yourself to the group with a clear, and what the purpose and the hope of meeting with the group so that everyone will learn from each other event.

Explain to them that in the event there is no answer right or wrong in this discussion. Try if anyone was menjelkaskan something no one else to interrupt / mengiuterupsi. Because all Padangan, answers all the valuable discussions.

Not too much influence menjurut discussions anda.Bila view events taking place you should think a new set of relevant questions as a response to the discussion. When they asked what your opinion is katakana that you need to go listen to their discussions and then participate more.

There needs to be as complete as possible record of the conversation, even if maybe if they agree to a discussion of bias recorded.

Tutupkah a discussion if the show becomes a rambling, but if maqksud and also has reached goals conclusions quickly and things that have been agreed with the solution of the problem, read it and remind them to perform.

Thank you to all participants in the discussion, the time and opportunity they have given and katakana so next time if there is more discussion they want to come to another topic or there are less obvious and really comfortable place ..

Free Radicals and Its Effect in Our Health

Free radicals and your health

We will try to explain as clearly as possible what actually free radicals and how they affect your health.
Dr. Denham Harmon became very famous for having "discovered" free radicals or, more precisely, to develop "free radical concept of aging."

Atom is then referred to as "free radicals", and very reactive. When the cells in the body against free radicals, reactive radicals that can cause damage to cells. According to Dr. Harmon theory of aging, cells continuously produce free radicals and free radical damage constant eventually killing the cell. When free radicals kill or damage enough cells in an organism.

What is free radicals?

Free radical is any atom or molecule that has "unpaired electrons" outside the ring. An "unpaired electrons" will always mean that there is an odd number because the "pair" of electrons over the even

Protons have a positive electric charge. Electrons have a negative electrical charge. Electrons move around the central mass of protons and neutrons. Neutrons have no electric charge. This word corresponds to "neutral."

After an atom has fewer electrons, with a negative electrical charge, the protons, with positive electric charge, the atom now has more positive charge than the negative electric charge - we would say that this atom, itself, was charged positif.Karena attract positively charged electrons are available, with a negative charge.

free radicals indiscriminately taking electrons from other atoms, which in turn alter other atoms into secondary free radicals, causing a chain reaction that can cause substantial biological damage.

Dr. Denham Harmon, MD, Ph.D., first proposed the theory of aging as the indiscriminate chemical re-activity of free radicals may lead to random biological damage. The idea has a lot of experimental success, and is now regarded as the main theory of aging. Dr. Harmon's theory implies that antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E, which prevent free radicals from oxidation (release of electrons from) sensitive biological molecules, will slow the aging process. Dr. Harmon launched the theory by showing, for the first time, that feeding a variety of antioxidants to mammals extend their life spans.

What mechanisms by free radicals cause damage and disease?

Cell membranes made of unsaturated fat. Unsaturated fatty cell membrane molecules are highly vulnerable to free radicals which this destructive process and is ready to contribute to a chain reaction that is not controlled. Oxidative damage, another name for the chemical reactions that cause free radicals, can cause damage or even hardening of lipids, which make-up the cell wall. If the cell wall of hardened (lipid peroxidation) then it becomes possible for the cell to properly get its nutrients, get signals from other cells to perform actions (such as the firing of neurons) and many other cellular activities can be affected. In addition to the cell walls, other biological molecules are also susceptible to damage, including RNA, DNA and protein enzymes.

The main site of free radical damage is the DNA found in mitochondria. Mitochondria are small membrane-enclosed area of cells that produce the chemicals cells use energy. Mitochondria is the "energy factories" of cells. Each cell contains a large collection of molecules called DNA which provide chemical instructions for cell function. This DNA is found in the cell nucleus, which functions as a "command center" of the cell, and also in the mitochondria. Automated cell many nuclear DNA damage repair. However, in mitochondrial DNA can not be immediately repaired.

Free radicals increases in the activity and quantity of toxic metals crashed in the body. Thus, toxic metals cause free radicals. Several hundred years ago we did NOT have the burden of toxic metals in our bodies that we now do, and we also do not have such exposure to free radicals. If you remove toxic metals from the body, you then greatly reduces the activity and the amount of free radicals.

It is also clear that environmental agents to start trouble free radicals. Toxicity of lead, pesticides, cadmium, ionizing radiation, alcohol and smoke cigarettes all possible because of their ability to launch free radicals.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Chikungunya fever, or Bones Fever

Chikungunya fever, or Bones Fever

Chikungunya Fever seems still somewhat very rare is mentioned and a lot of people who do not know. Chikungunya fever is also called bone fever, because people who suffer from Chikungunya all bodies ache pain once, in the joints, and even felt to the bone. The disease was first discovered in Tanzania in 1952 years, was in Indonesia was reported in 1982 in Samarinda.

Causes of Chikungunya disease is a type of virus called Alphavirus

The spread of the disease is very similar to dengue fever disease is through vector of Aedes aegypti mosquito that lives in the water container that is in / around our house. In the event of an outbreak (Extraordinary Cases) or increased 2 times or more the case than ordinary circumstances, it will be fogging / Fogging to kill the mosquitoes that infective.

How do the ways to control Aedes aegypti mosquito elimination remember 3M ...

1.Menutup or Cover reservoir water so mosquitoes can not enter and bertelor

2.Menguras or Clean reservoir water once every week (the time eggs hatch Aedes mosquitoes to become adults is between 8 to 12 days

3.Mengubur or buried old cans, old tires, coconut shell, coconut shell, etc. can be used for rain water bin

Add: provision of anti-larvae (Abate) in the tub / reservoir water

Avoid / make your house !!!!!! Free larvae
