Thursday, February 4, 2010

What is Diarrhoea?

What is Diarrhoea?

Diarrhoea is an intestinal disorder, which results in abnormal fluid loss and increased frequency of bowel movements

It is the passage of water stools, usually 3 times in a 24 hr time frame.

Note! It is the consistency of the stools that is more important that the frequency. Increased passage of “formed” stools is not diarrhoea e.g. a breastfed baby often passes loose stools but this is not diarrhoea.

Note! Most cases of diarrhoea will clear up on its own without medication or treatment. If diarrhoea continues or the person becomes dehydrated it is ESSENTIAL to treat with ORS and seek medical help.

Different Types of Diarrhoea

a. Acute watery diarrhoea
Loose watery stools last for a few hours or a few days
Main dangers are dehydration and weight loss
Need to: Increase fluid intake to stop/prevent dehydration and increase food to stop/prevent weight loss

b. Acute bloody diarrhoea
There is blood present in the stool – it is also known as DYSENTERY
Main dangers are damage to the intestines, malnutrition and dehydration
Need to: Increase fluid intake to stop/prevent dehydration and increase food to stop/prevent weight loss AND GET MEDICAL HELP

c. Persistent or Chronic diarrhoea
Loose stools that last for 14 days or more
Main dangers are malnutrition and dehydration.
Need to: Increase fluid intake to stop/prevent dehydration and increase food to stop/prevent weight loss

Why is Diarrhoea dangerous?

Diarrhoea kills over 1 million children every year through dehydration and malnutrition

Children are more likely to die from diarrhoea than adults because they become dehydrated much quicker than adults.

A child is in danger if they have many watery stools in 1 hr or if there is blood in the stool

A child with diarrhoea needs to continue eating regularly to stop malnutrition. Even after recovering from diarrhoea the child needs to get at least 1 extra meal a day for 2 weeks

Breastfeeding will and does reduce the severity and frequency of diarrhoea

If a child is dehydrated only Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) or medicine given by a trained medical worker should be used

Diarrhoea kills by causing dehydration in the child

The more watery the stool is the more fluid is being lost therefore the greater the risk of dehydration.

Some people think that drinking more liquid when having diarrhoea makes the diarrhoea worse – THIS IS NOT TRUE.


Drinking more fluids will help replace the body fluids lost during diarrhoea.

Recommended drinks for children/adults with diarrhoea:

1. Breastmilk – mothers should increase the frequency at which they breast feed their child when the child has diarrhoea
2. Rice water
3. Fresh fruit juices
4. weak tea with a little sugar
5. CLEAN WATER FROM SAFE SOURCES – if the water is not from a safe source the water should be boiled for minimum of 10 minutes.
6. Give ORS.

Signs of Dehydration
The easiest way to check for dehydration is to check the colour of the urine – it should be pale or clear yellow. If it begins to darken fluid intake should be increased.

Stages of Dehydration:

Mild Dehydration: Increase fluid intake
Dry lips
Dry mouth
Flushed skin
Dark colour of Urine or urine output decreases

Moderate Dehydration: Seek medical help
All the signs above PLUS
Skin does not bounce back quickly when pressed
Muscle cramps
Stiff and/or painful joints
Severe irritability
Sunken eyes

Severe Dehydration: seek medical help IMMEDIATELY
All the signs of above PLUS
Blue lips
Blotchy skin
Low blood pressure
Cold hands and feet
Cannot produce urine or tears when they cry
Will not drink fluids
Rapid and weak pulse rate

What Causes Diarrhoea

Many things cause diarrhoea such as the following:

 Antibiotics
 Diabetes
 Food additives
 Food allergies

In Papua, Nabire the following also cause diarrhoea

 Parasites such as Amoeba and Giardia
 Bacteria such as E.coli (Eschericia coli), Shigella and campylobacter
 Viral infections

The most common way for the parasites, bacteria and viruses to get into the human body and cause diarrhoea is through drinking water and eating food contaminated by faeces.

Diarrhoea can also be spread by poor hygiene in the house and also poor personal hygiene –

How to Prevent Diarrhoea

All Faeces must be disposed of in a latrine or toilet

 All faeces, even those for babies and infants carry germs therefore can be dangerous.
 If children defecate outside the toilet or latrine their faeces must be cleaned up immediately and put down the toilet or buried
 The toilet or latrine must be kept clean as this stops the spread of germs
 If there is no access to a toilet or latrine adults and children must defecate:
a. far from the house,
b. far from paths,
c. far from where animals feed/drink,
d. far from water sources,
e. far from where children play,
f. must be buried under a layer of soil – this will prevent flies from feeding on the faeces and then spreading to food etc.
 In communities where there are no toilets or latrine the community should consider joining together to build toilets
 Water sources must be kept clear of all animal and human faeces.

Good Hygiene practices

 Hands should always be washed with soap and water after:
a. defecating
b. after cleaning the baby’s bottom
c. immediately before feeing children
d. immediately before handling food
e. immediately before eating
 Young children always put their hands in their mouths so it is important to keep the house clean and to wash children’s hands with soap and water frequently, especially when they are about to eat.
 All refuse should be buried, burned or safely disposed of to stop flies from spreading disease
 Drinking water storage containers must be kept clean and covered with a lid
 No animals or birds should be kept next to drinking water containers
 Always pour water from the drinking water container rather than dip the cup/jug into the main container
 Never store chemicals or animal feed next to any water containers
 Never use the drinking water containers for any other purpose other than for storage of drinking water

Drinking only clean or treated water

 It is important that water for drinking is from a safe and protected source.
 If you do not know if the source is safe then it is always better to boil or treat your drinking water.
 You can add chlorine or chlorox to your drinking water to kill the bacteria and viruses
 You can boil the water to kill the bacteria, viruses and parasites. To treat water by boiling you must boil it for a minimum of 10 minutes to make sure that all the germs are killed
 It is cheaper to boil or add chlorox/chlorine to just the water you use for drinking
 Always make sure that the storage container for drinking water, after treating, is kept clean inside and outside the container
 Always keep the treated drinking water covered

Eating only clean and good food.

 Food should always be prepared and cooked thoroughly just before eating
 Food left standing must be covered
 Food is not safe after only 2hrs if it is not stored very hot or very cold

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